May 7, 2024

Mixed Nuts Productions


An abused, introverted, and terrified housewife drastically changes everything when she meets the love of her life.  Produced in association with J. Jobin Films, CONNIE is a short film by Philadelphia Writer/Director Jeff Orens and Director of Photography/Editor Michael Licisyn. The film is currently unavailable to view online.

Films , MixedNutsHome , Short Films

Supervillain Security Solutions

A Bowser wannabe, eager to upgrade his castle security, runs into a crafty and seductive saleswoman.  Produced by Cinevore Studios in association with StageFiveTV.

Cinevore , Cinevore Short , Films , MixedNutsHome , Short Films

Limit Break

In a turn-based universe, a group of adventurers and a monster learn to work together… while they wait for the Wizard to finally make his move.  Produced by Cinevore Studios in association with StageFiveTV.

Cinevore , Cinevore Short , Films , MixedNutsHome , Short Films


Another day, another typical job interview at the Umbrella Corporation.  Produced by Cinevore Studios in association with StageFiveTV.

Cinevore , Cinevore Short , Films , MixedNutsHome , Short Films

Dialogue Tree

Doug wakes up one day with a unique problem: he has a dialogue tree.  And it’s a vague one.  Produced by Cinevore Studios in association with StageFiveTV.

Cinevore , Cinevore Short , Films , MixedNutsHome , Short Films

Apocalypse When: Tailgating the End of Days

The Apocalypse is coming with the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012. Some people fear it. Some don’t take it seriously. These guys embrase it and are ready to bring in the End of Days the best way they know how: with a tailgate!

Films , MixedNutsHome , Short Films

The Fairy Prince..?

What happens when a straight man kisses a frog and it turns into a prince? Well, Stuart and Prince Percy come to find out that there are rules! Produced for the 2011 Project Twenty1 Film and Animation Festival.

Films , MixedNutsHome , Short Films


YouTube  Mixed Nuts Productions Facebook    Living in 8 Bits Twitter  Living in 8 Bits Instagram  Vimeo  


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